The Acupressure in First Aid Federation, Hong Kong

Certificate in AFA

Acupressure in First Aid based on ancient principles of acupressure, but using finger pressure and rubbing or massage instead. Initial treatment combines finger pressure and rubbing to produce heat which minimizes pain. This is followed by the application of pressure, to varying degrees and at particular locations, to effect the required relief.

Head Region



Location :  In the centre of the upper lip, at approximately 2∕3 the distance from the mouth to the nose

Indications :  Shock, coma, asphyxia, motion sickness, cardiac failure, heat exhaustion, epilepsy, convulsions

Function :  Stimulating this point helps the body to resume and maintain normal, regular cardiac and respiratory rhythms- restoring consciousness and speeding recovery from shock

Manipulation :  Use ‘Pricking’ method, (This point is subcutaneous 0.3 - 0.5 inches) precisely on the Point.

NB : If in doubt as to the precise location, or if the upper lip is too short, press with the finger broadly across the entire area. Continue to stimulate until consciousness returns. 



Location :  On the midline of the head, 1 inch above the natural hairline at the forehead

Indications :  Nosebleed (epistaxis), headache

Manipulation :  Use 'Pressing' method (This point is subcutaneous 0.3 -0.5 inches)

NB :  May use this point simultaneously with Upper Welcome - Fragrance (SHANG YINGXIANG).



Location :  On the midline of the head, 5 inches back from the natural hairline at the forehead

Indications :  Headache, dizziness, shock

Manipulation :  Use 'Pressing' or 'Rubbing' method (This point is subcutaneous 0.5 - 1 inch)

N.B. :  Take extreme care when using this point on infants whose skulls have not fully grown together, or on casualties with any injury to the skull. In these cases, use another point, SHAOSHANG (Lesser Merchant).



Location :  At the back of the head, at the base of the skull in the depressions between the large muscles (the trapezius, and the sterno-cleido-mastoideus) - one on each side

Indications: Vertigo (dizziness), headache, stiff neck

Manipulation :  Use 'Clutching', 'Pressing' or 'Rubbing' method. (This point is subcutaneous 0.5 - 1 inch)



Location :  On the sides of the nose approximately halfway from tip to base, in the depression below the nasal bone where it meets cartilage

Indications :  Nosebleed (epistaxis)

Manipulation :  Use 'Clutching' or 'Pressing' method (This point is subcutaneous 0.3 - 0.5 inches)
  - most conveniently, with one hand reaching both sides of the nose.

NB :  This is the preferred point for treating nosebleed. Firm pressure applied to it should stop an ordinary nosebleed.
  If not - or to speed the recovery - stimulate the point Upper Star simultaneously.



Location :  At the temples, in the depression, 1 inch back from the midpoint between the outer tip of the eye and the outer tip of the eyebrow

Indications :  Headache, including migraine, dizziness

Manipulation :  Use 'Pressing' method. (This point is subcutaneous 0.5 – 1 inch)

NB : This spot can be tender; nevertheless, pressing gently but firmly will ultimately relieve head pain. Rubbing in circles may induce dizziness.

Enrollment and Enquiry

Office: Room 1002, Lucky Commercial Center, 103 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong.

Service Station: Block A, 3/F, Chong Lan Building, 37 Leighton Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong.

Tel: 5166-3467 (Mr. Chung)

Download Membership Application Form

Enrollment and Enquiry

Office: Room 1002, Lucky Commercial Center, 103 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong.

Service Station: Block A, 3/F, Chong Lan Building, 37 Leighton Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong.

Tel: 5166-3467 (Mr. Chung)

Download Membership Application Form

Enrollment and Enquiry

Office: Room 1002, Lucky Commercial Center, 103 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong.

Service Station: Block A, 3/F, Chong Lan Building, 37 Leighton Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong.

Tel: 5166-3467 (Mr. Chung)

Download Membership Application Form

Enrollment and Enquiry

Office: Room 1002, Lucky Commercial Center, 103 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong.

Service Station: Block A, 3/F, Chong Lan Building, 37 Leighton Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong.

Tel: 5166-3467 (Mr. Chung)

Download Membership Application Form

Enrollment and Enquiry

Office: Room 1002, Lucky Commercial Center, 103 Des Voeux Road West, Hong Kong.

Service Station: Block A, 3/F, Chong Lan Building, 37 Leighton Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong.

Tel: 5166-3467 (Mr. Chung)

Download Membership Application Form